Monday, December 8, 2008

Before One O'clock

I Drove David to Michelin because we cannot find the time to get winter tires put on either of our crappy vehicles.

Went to Superstore for groceries.

Stopped in Canadian tire for 2 sleds.

And it really wouldn't be my day unless Autism was involved I took the kids to a meeting with Margie to go over last weeks meeting and finalize details of next Wednesday's meeting

Arrived home for Sebastian to pee himself.

Cleaned up the entire pee mess.

Then Nadia pooped so I gave her a bath.

Gave the children lunch.

Did a balance transfer so that I can pay for this 2500.00 assessment tomorrow.

Break....swallow a red rocket.

Continue to discuss my claim with the Human Rights Commission.

Email Patti to let her know I am interested in sitting on the committee which decides how the wellness funds are allotted....the same funding I could not apply for because I was caught up in school board crap.

Found the cheapest (55.00) possible hotel in Halifax to stay over Wednesday night...We've got Tuesday covered.

Called Vitamin Search, Price Limbo and Old Navy to ask what the hell was going on with these mysterious charges on my MasterCard!

Got a pre-paid MasterCard.

and finally called Sun life because they won't reimburse me for my lenses since they believe I have bi-focals????

Now on to the next 12 hours of my day

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