Friday, January 16, 2009

Meet The Black's

I really don't know how to sum this up for anyone white but I'll try. 

You know when you {white person} go to the mall to buy any toy for your child and you can virtually walk out with any number of dolls/action figures that represent your race? 

Well I can't. 

Every little black girl grows up playing with a stick thin Barbie not representative of her friends or Mommy. 

It's quite difficult to raise a child in a culture where Santa Clause and Jesus Christ are portrayed as white men.   

Black children believe the two highest figures (in kiddie world) are white. 

Black people don't come second or even third.

This all stems from the Obama inauguration coming up. 

My children will actually see a black (man) beyond a rapper or an inmate. 

I don't care what Obama does after this...could he really screw up the country even more? 

I just want my children to witness this. 

One time my friend Erryn came to an all Black event with David and myself and she completely felt out of place until we let loose and danced the night away. 

She said she had never felt like that {not bad, but different} before. 

I told her that is how I feel every day. 

It doesn't matter how proud you are or how much self esteem you have. 

Sometimes it kinda sucks being the only Black person. 

Here is my list for the week of where we were representin' he-he-he

1.Kids First Community Committee Meeting
2.Ashlei Ballet
3.Food Mentor Training
4.YMCA swim lesson
5.Frank .H. basketball tournament
6.Life Center
7.YMCA dance class

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