Thursday, February 11, 2010


Anonymous said...

I stumbled on your blog today and I'm glad I did. That's a powerful post. I've been doing biomed and therapies with my child for almost 2 years now. What a difference it has made. We have a totally different child thanks to various DAN treatments.

ABA therapy, sensory integration and socialization helped a lot. However, therapies alone wouldn't have brought my child to where she is today. But she's verbal, talking in sentences of 5-10 words, doing pretend play, interacting, and being affectionate. She's come so far with biomed. It's mind boggling to me that people think that they've tried biomed because they gave a few supplements and then gave up. It's so much more than that. The GFCF diet didn't do a whole lot for us, but other DAN treatments like antifungals, enzymes, chelation were huge. Just like you, on my death bed, I want to know that I've done all that I humanly could for my child. I would rather ten years from now think "Those supplements and things we tried for years didn't do much" rather than think "Gosh, I wish I had really given biomed a try when I could have." There is something biologically wrong with my child's body. I can see it from test results. I am going to do my darndest to fix those issues. If my child had cancer or diabetes, no one would say "Oh just accept it." It's crazy that people tell us to accept autism.

Tawnya said...

I will not lie and say I don't feel like throwing in the towel each and every day. I'm pretty sure our money could be used for much more than supplements and DAN doctors, but I honestly think the guilt would destroy me. My everyday courage comes from the gains parents like you, speak of. Your dedication and desire for growth keeps me going. It means more than you know, and for this, I thank you.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I used to take vacations. I sometimes look fondly back at the days when I had not heard of ABA, OT, SLP, DAN doctors, or any of that. I've been so transformed by my child's condition and its treatments. There are still days when I have a pity party for what's happened. I fall into a pit of "Why me? Why us?" But the important thing is to get up, dust off, and move on. I don't expect any big wows from any therapy or biomed treatment. All I expect are steady permanent gains. I know that steady gains over time will lead to amazing things. I already see it in the two years we've been at it.

Take care..