Thursday, September 2, 2010

Double the Organic Goodness

I have been gathering resources which help me in my search for safe personal care products.  

So far, my favourites are Fat Girl Goes Organic, and  The Glamorganic Goddess.  

Not to say there aren't loads of others out there with valuable insight, but I require the best.  

We need to work together right? 

And by together I mean others buying products to review, and giving me the low down.

First off, let me state that I don't even think I knew what high-end was until I met the author of FGGO. 

High end for me was standing in Zellers, inputting numbers in the magic Clarion computer, which revealed my colour group and the shades that worked best for my skin tone. 

Or.....I could have just looked in a mirror.  

Anyway, this mysterious girl who worked at Bagel Street Cafe also, took my addiction to a whole new level.  

Kiehl's, Lush, and Bumble and Bumble products soon became staples in my apartment.  

So when she writes a review, I know what the baseline is, and what her expectations are.  

This is not to say I/she would not use something cheap, if it did the job, I just haven't found one as yet.

The GG has actually convinced companies to mail samples to her for review. 

Very smart.  

We both have an obsession with looking like porn stars lip gloss, and not forming dreads conditioner. 

She mixes common sense, the trial and error of switching to natural /organic products and tops it off with a twist of ghetto.  

Very refreshing in times of boring activist/MCS/Autism/ tree hugger talk. 

Who said you can't have fun in the process?  I'm sure that by reading what these two lovelies write, over time I should be able to maintain an affordable product supply.  

I'm not saying that another living sole with chemical sensitivities should not double check at the Cosmetic Database, as I know that a granule of sand 6000 miles away affects you companies tend to label products 'organic' when in fact they are formaldehyde mixed with pigment not safe.


The Glamorganic Goddess said...

Hey, girl Hey! The way you described me is to the "T" Haha! I can't stop laughing! Do you like Drag-Queen eye lashes too? If so, then I think we are sisters from another mother... OMG you are too funny! I LOVE your Blog!! And I love your sense of humor and no-bull-shit honesty even more! Thanks for giving me a shout-out and adding a link to my Blog!DO you want me to add your link to mine? We will get through this! xoxo Mwah!

Tawnya said...

I looooove lashes that reach the stars. I don't think I have any photos of me in my glory, but I should post some when I find one or two. You cannot torture your caring and kind readers by adding my link....and what would it be linked to? This blog really is pulled in every direction, with no real point which is why people read blogs like yours. One stop shop.

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon

Great share, thanks for your time