Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm a Superstar

Holy Shit...I have a follower!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I was pretty low today (not really different from any other day).

Then I scrolled down and noticed Mrs.Mathers picture. 

I couldn't be more happier.

Everyone says they want to write as a form of therapy (bullshit) but really we just want to be heard.

Liked or not. 

And then I noticed not one, but two comments! 

What did I do to deserve this sort of attention?

You may be wondering why 3 random acts from people I don't talk to can get me acting like a schoolgirl who's about to get her turn at Skippie's. 

The short answer is that I don't have any friends. 

Communicating with people on the Internet is about as good as it gets for me.

I do have people I see once a week, or month....but nobody that I go shopping with, or drink coffee/wine with, no one like that.


Clueless_Mama said...

Hi there! I am the same way as you, but it's okay. Making friends on the internet is good too. I hope you have a great weekend.

Tawnya said...

It's strange to grow up in a world like this isn't it? Sometimes I feel like the reason I've had so many unpleasant friendships is based on geographip location. I seem to stumble upon some very special individuals on the internet. Wow, this really makes me sound like some crazy woman who spends 23 hours per day in front of the computer