Friday, May 7, 2010

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Here's an update of what has been  destroying my family going on with my health.  

I went for a CT scan on Tuesday, and was told to see my family doctor in a week's time.  

On Wednesday, I received a call form Dr.Clifton's office letting me know of an opening the next day....or I could choose the next appointment in September.  

I went and to my surprise, he already had the CT images??  

Why was I supposed to wait for a week again?  

Oh, that's suffer more.  What was I thinking?

Dr. Clifton is a cross between Adolf Hitler, and Albert Einstein.   

Anyway.  The good news for him was that my sinus cavities, ears, and throat looked great!  

The most devastating news for me bad news for me is that these issues, and by issues I mean:

An instant headache when I am around scents.  Dryer sheets, unscented products, laundry, make-up, all beauty products, all hair products, certain things in the air, and all cleaning supplies.

Yesterday's head smash up began after picking Nannie up in the morning.  

It was Oil of Olay, or Irish Spring. 

I was in and out of a lot of places, but the kicker was some sort of Shea/cocoa butter perfume worn by the receptionist in Dr.Clifton's office.  

This may be fine if you didn't have to open your eyes, or look up.  

Unfortunately, I had to drive myself home from Antigonish...which was hell.  

And the icing on the cake happened at Temperance Street School when I walked in the from doors and smelled the big bucket of cleaner which for me was like chlorine and bleach.  

Too late now.  

Once I get to the 'Overload of Chemical Exposure' point, it's at least 4 hours before the pain subsides.

This is how I feel for 12 of the 24 hours every day.

This is what I envision making me feel better for 12 of those 24 hours.

Or living in complete isolation in my MCS-safe (non-toxic) house. 

It took me a while to get our house tolerable for me.  

Is it great?  No. 

Still much better than going in public places. 

I limit/rotate the days I leave the house.

This week I was out on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  

Way to close, and not enough time for my body to recover.  

More than anything else, the worst part about this whole mess is the lack of support.  

Nobody believes/cares this is even happening to me. 

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