Monday, February 7, 2011

By Ignorance We Mistake, and By Mistakes We Learn

I am losing chunks of time....becoming disoriented and having loads of memory loss.  

Weak, tired, with no desire to breathe. 

Have you seen The Walking Dead on AMC?  That's me.  

No, not the brave city dwellers....the Zombies. 

That sums up January.  

My intent (always has been) for these posts is that someone, somewhere feeling the same way can draw from my words and know they aren't the only ones in existence feeling this way.

Or learn from my mistakes.  

Isn't that what we all do?  

Do you think chef's publish cookbooks without altering and perfecting the recipes first?  


They make mistakes.  

Often times I am my biggest critic.  

Not thinking about the success I have had.  

Yesterday I took X to see 'the Doctor'  I'm calling Dr.La Valley 'the Doctor' as if there are no other doctors on the planet because that's what he means to our family.  

The idea was for the Doctor to help X in the same way he has helped me (underlying conditions).  

Once again, I am amazed by his insight....feeling like an inbred cave woman who has never read a book.  

I'm not going to discuss it until I work the details out...and by details I mean money and time.  

I was complimented on the job that I have done getting X to the point he is so far (considering I live in Canada and only thought outside the box 4 years ago). 

He was impressed by X's academic achievement and his willingness to play sports, and carry on a meaningful conversation.  

Then he mentioned that X is like the 'after'...meaning most children he sees are far worse and are hoping to get to the point we are right now.  

I thought about this on the drive home.  

X continues to push the limits, and we are doing the best we can given our circumstances. 

I should feel some sense of peace, relief,  or at the very least, less anxious.  

I don't...I mean I do a bit more than last year, but I haven't reached the point where I can just let it all go...not just yet.  

This is part of a message I wrote to Ashley (soon to be author, who documents everything on her blog Hidden Recovery. She has been a grounded support over the past few years. 
I don't know where I stand on X's growth. I'm still always thinking about the next big thing...really wishing I had caught on to the food part earlier. Being present, and awake in the early years would have helped. Ironically, at the time when you have to make big decisions, you are typically plagued with fear, guilt, and financial stress at the same time.  Surprisingly, even though I've been sick, X has been holding his own. Sometimes this is good for kids. He had far more support from me in his previous years, and this is the first time I had to rely on him to actually be the 'big brother'. All in all, as I hear/read horror stories, I am grateful for the gains he has made. I'm kind of past feeling guilty that I couldn't do what you did for Leo. Just stepping back and re-evaluating things that I want for X vs. things that don't even matter to him. He likes having friends, but he will most likely never be the 'life' of the party.
And this is okay.  This morning at 10:17, I am okay with it all.  I'm okay with the mistakes I have made.

Just watch for a post in a week when I am freaking out and wondering what ever made me write such a thing! 


Danielle S. said...

I'm ecstatic that I found your blog. My daughter had a previous PDD-NOS diagnosis and we've been doing biomed and diets for five years. We just started doing homeopathy and love it! She's considered off the spectrum now, but we have her immune system and Auditory Processing to fine tune. I posted this blog on my Mommy Warrior facebook page..Here's to fighting the good fight for ourselves and our children! XO~ Danielle

Tawnya said...

Danielle, you really are a Mommy Warrior! To get a diagnosis like this and radically change it on your own is the biggest accomplishment ever. I know that I come across as being very hard on parents unwilling to even try this. Not becasue I think I'm right, or because this is the only way....but I get so angry over the fact there are millions of children unnecessarily trapped. I see our own personal growth, and read stories like yours and just want to scream "DO SOMETHING!!!!!" Just start somewhere and give your child this remarkable gift :). Do you have a blog as well as your Facebook page?