Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Party Time

The weeks of begging for a party paid off.  

Sebastian's birthday party (later named Pokemon Party) was a success.  

The bowling alley was well ventilated and the main doors were left open as it was a beautiful day!  

Sun was shining, kids were smiling, and I was upright....well not so much in the days to follow, but I was held it together for him that day....and of course, I left the scoring, transporting food, playing with the children, it all up to David :).

I hadn't really planned for this party so I picked a color scheme and ran with it.  

All but 1 of the children who attended are mad about Pokemon so we included a 5 pack of cards which sell at the Dollarama now!!!!  

Sebastian went all out for this one.  Not having these indulgences on a regular basis, we had a candy bar set up with juice berries, peach slices, gummy worms, smarties, gumballs, pixie sticks, suckers etc.  

Please excuse the messy cupcake frosting.  

Personally, I like the raw imperfect look of frosting.  It lets me know it hasn't come from a grocery store.  

We were supposed to have 30 minutes to set up the party room, but due to a inconsolable child who was crying because he lost 1 piece of Lego (in a bowling ally) we only had 10 minutes. 

This is probably the reason why I didn't get a quick shot of that sweet candy bar.  

The chocolate were a hit!  Some of the children had puzzled looks on their faces as they have never tried an icing other than cotton seed oil, monoglycerides, color, polysorbate 60, sodium stearoyl lactylate, potassium sorbate, high maltose corn syrup, artificial flavour, citric acid Betty Crocker, but they were gobbled up.

As Sebastian is unable to have his friends in our home, this was the closest things to a play date he is going to get.  Loads of smiles, lots of fun, and super cool presents. 

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