Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rock Bottom

Well....I've finally hit it.  

So mentally and physically beaten that the only place to go is up.  

At times like these I try to look at the positive side of least I won't have to wonder what happens when Leaky Gut Syndrome is left untreated.  

I say untreated, as there is no partial treatment (which is what I've been doing). 

I forced David to take a day off work so he could drive me/help me/take care of the kids during the day.  

There is no way we can get anything accomplished in the hours after 5:00, so having him home allowed me to think, rest, and plan. 

I loved it, and it gave me the jump start I so desperately needed. 

Currently  My head continually feels like this....

and my stomach feels like this poor woman looks 

ewwwwwww (I know), but that's the only visual I could find to accurately reflect the everyday lousy. 

So I called the bowling alley to reserve a date for Sebastian's Birthday party.  

We really tried talking him out of a party, but his heart was set on it. 

If you have ever witnessed his ginormous Bambi eyes swelling with tears, you would understand how easy it was for me to forget how bad I will feel after this whole shindig and say, "Of course you can have a party, sweetie."

I wrote the date of said event, as well as as other important stuff I needed to remember.  I walk around like I'm auditioning for a role in Memento.....looking at pieces of paper....scribbles..odd numbers and parts of recipes.  

It really is quite funny.  No, I don't mean that I think this whole mess is so funny that I can giggle it away, but I wouldn't hesitate to howl at this situation if it were portrayed in a half hour sitcom on FOX, CBS, NBC, ABC, HBO.  

Anyway.....I sit down at the computer 15 minutes after reserving the location and looked at this puzzling date (April 10th @ 3:30) that was circled and highlighted.  What was this date?  What did it mean?  Was it something important?  Swimming lessons?  The marriage of Prince William and Kate?  Time to change the batteries in our smoke detector?  

After an hour, I gave up and asked David if he had any idea its significance.  He told me and I thought about what was really happening to my brain....and how often this happens.

Earlier this week, I had a piece of a banana and lost vision in my left eye. 

Recalling is now taking too much effort so I'm stopping here, as I still have to edit the shit out of this blog post. Spell check doesn't even recognize what I've wrote, so I can't even rely on it.  

I'm really contemplating placing an ad on Kijiji.....looking for someone who wants to take care of me (for free).....and possibly pick up, and drop off little ones.  

Am I reaching too far?  

You don't think loads of complete strangers would respond so they could work without pay?  

We (David is finally on board) have finally reached the stage where we can start preparing enough food for a week or two.  

When others ask me why I haven't started this yet....or what is taking up so much time that I couldn't possible take care of my own needs, I want to scream. 

Just because I feel like shit, doesn't mean that my children don't need breakfast, dinner, and supper.  Plus homework, extra curricular activities, and general attention.  

These things don't stop.  EVER.  

I am usually strung out on the couch, with a couple of so-so days in between.  During those few hours where I am actually upright.....I don't have the energy to do all of it on my own.

I had one more hiccup regarding ingredients.  I didn't notice there was yeast extract in my organic chicken broth.  This cost us one more night, and David needed to go to Canadian Tire and purchase a 12 Quart stock pot.  I know preparing my own stocks is best, but I was trying to find at least one shortcut.  

Simmering a whole chicken and vegetables for 5 hours so you can eat for the week is not a shortcut, which is why I am getting it done and  over with by making extremely large batches, along with beef and vegetable stock. 

Almost there....Rome wasn't built in a day you know!  

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