Monday, June 13, 2011

I Was Born on June 10, 2011

I had so many things I have been meaning to write about.

The thing that I cannot contain in my body any longer, are my feelings about the Dynamic Neural Retraining System 3 day rehabilitation program I just participated in.

There was a photo right here, but I had to remove it.  In all of my giddiness, and Osama 'Obama like' aspirations, I totally forgot about a little word called privacy, and those who have a right to it :).

Yes, that's me on the left in all my glory (no make up whatsoever). 

Did you know that I've gone out in public like this over 11 times now?  

This, in itself is huge!  

Want to know something else?  I'm kind of beginning to like it.  

I put make-up on last week and it felt funny.  If my eyebrows would just grow in completely (It's taken over 15 years), and I had a year round tan (without using a tanning bed), I might consider this as a semi permanent option.

You will no longer read anything about MCS "It".  No more talk of symptoms, and no more deep seeded, never ending feeling of hopelessness.  

Know why?  Because I have hope.  

This was the most amazing thing I have ever done for myself.  

I learned much more about many other aspects of my life that I had not realized were even hindering my recovery.   

By now you're thinking..."So she's in recovery for 'it', AND still working on her Leaky Gut?"  

his girl is going to crack! 

Actually, I'm going to remain calm, and do the exact same thing I did for X during his early years of therapy.  

Give it my Best . Practice. Dedication. 

So what in the heck will I write about?  

Well you know by now that I'm not about to get all Joel Osteen up in here, but if you've been feeding on my does this blog author even have a pulse? posts full of angst and melancholy, you might have to find a new place to read for a while. 

I even removed 2 of the tabs above that grouped me in 'miserable' categories? 

I didn't delete older posts, in case someone stumbles upon this blog a year from now and wants to read about (what will seem like) a Miracle :).


Carolyn Penny said...

I am hoping this is "good news". I don't always comment but I read your blog religiously. As long as you have hope for recovery...and when that day comes, I can only imagine the number of people you can help who have been told their "crazy" and that these illnesses do not exist. Just don't turn into that annoying "skinny" girl who "used to be fat". I freaking HATE those women. "Now that I am thin all my problems have melted away and I am married to a former male model and we have two twin boys and live in a modest mansion". BARF ALERT. :)))))

Tawnya said...

Trust me, this is GREAT news. I promise not to turn into the former fat girl, and will use my powers for good instead of being on the Real Housewives of Nova Scotia! Thanks for the support :).