My nemesis.
It is continually associated with fear, money, weight or time.
Where do I begin?
Alright. On a positive note, I really enjoy baking, and don't completely hate preparing meals anymore.
Over the past three years something changed radically.
Again, this was in conjunction with X's health, my protocol, and the goal to get this family on the 'Whole Foods' train as fast as possible.
I've come a long way.......a really long way.
You know about my childhood, my twisted eating habits....but to add a bit of humor to this post, I will share with you, some of the delectable dishes I made in my humble beginnings.
I used to use take these processed pressed frozen chicken breasts things, throw them in a baking dish...
Pour a bottle of this sauce......
Bake and serve over white minute rice.
No marinating, no spices, no nothing.
Just the sauce and some questionable meat.
I thought my culinary skills were superb and even varied my nightly delights by doing the exact same thing with VH1 Pineapple Sauce.
For a special occasion, I might place a roast (again in my baking dish).....Pour a bottle of Seedless Raspberry Jam over it (no seasonings, no searing, nothing)....and bake.
I wanted to go all out with my sides so I would take a bag of hash browns...add a tub of sour cream, and 3 cups of cheese.....oh, and bake.
I was so proud of myself because I switched my technique to 'adding', instead of 'pouring'. I knew I was going far now :).
I wanted to go all out with my sides so I would take a bag of hash browns...add a tub of sour cream, and 3 cups of cheese.....oh, and bake.
I was so proud of myself because I switched my technique to 'adding', instead of 'pouring'. I knew I was going far now :).
I can only imagine the facial expressions on the lucky people I was feeding.
They were probably wondering why I decided to use the total allotment of dairy for a year, in one meal???
The 'cream of' Campbell's soups were also a big staple in
n the years to follow, David let me know that he didn't have the heart to tell me how bad things were. He said I was just so darn proud of these dishes/myself, that he could not burst my bubble. What a patient man.
There you have it. I once was lost, but now am get the picture.
2010 was the worst of times.
I'll admit I
Posting on Facebook, sporting my Planet Organic re-usable grocery bags, while trying to inform everyone around me of what we were really eating.
You know what? Only a few people cared. One of them was Cat....wait.....Carolyn...I wonder if she still goes by the name Cat? I guess she'll let me know.
Anyways she writes about food (and other stuff) on her blog Carolyn at Large. and has a way of encouraging readers to open their eyes, where as I generally use terms like unfit parent, or incredibly stupid.
I've eased off quite a bit....nowhere near as psychotic or obsessive as I was.
Also, coming to the realization that our income is not parallel to my beliefs.
I am trying. I really am.
I've found a balance that works...... for now.
We try to eat local, and organic when possible. David still bakes our bread and I make the sweets/treats.
We are learning to eat foods that I can buy local as the seasons change, and are gently guiding the kids on the straight facts of food.
Trying to end this vicious cycle of oblivion. It's working (thank goodness), and their adult lives will be easier because of it.
I enjoy sites like 100 Days of Real Food which allow families to gradually move in this direction.
While some people can adjust easily, most cannot. Initially, this process can be time consuming, confusing, and makes you question everything you were ever taught about food. It can be terrifying, glorious.....or both :).
The only downside to this post is that I am constantly hungry.
Never really feeling full.
I suppose I could eat more, but that's not it.
I miss bread, milk, pancakes, peanut butter, fruit.....I miss it all. Not sharing the same meals has put a cramp into dinnertime.
Sometimes I sit at the table with them, but most times I just putter around and clean, trying to distract myself from the delicious meal everyone is enjoying.
So 'no', I haven't reached the point where I am not resentful that everyone around me is stuffing their faces with absolute goodness.
How did I miss this post? My confession is Chicken Breasts, baking dish, VH Sweet and Sour Sauce and canned pineapple. BARF...I don't know what I was thinking. Your comment re: Campbell's creamed soups made me laugh...since I'm now lactose intolerant, I can't imagine a worse fate. Add in a can of those awful button mushrooms and you've got an Imodium moment.
I remember you saying that you felt like an alien in the grocery store aisles. It's like you try to find something quick.....but you know deep down that nothing that easy can be good for you. What are you eating these days?
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