And no...I
We finally got to see Heidi Ship. I suppose this would all make sense if I updated more, and mentioned the professionals X has been seeing since we parted ways with Dr. LaValley.
Wait...hold up...parted? Well 'ran out of money' would be more accurate.
Besides.... I spent so much time bitching and whining on this blog that before I knew it, 8 months had passed and it was time for me to rejoin society and start
More on this later.....and one more thing. I really need to start giving myself more credit and stop putting so much faith in everyone else.
Yes, the people I credit for X's health are fantastic, but they are not everything.
I matter. My decisions and actions count.
The first time I felt like real support just fell into my lap was last year!
So Dr. Chernin was our first stop.. I am not going to go into detail about the what's, how's or why's. She facilitates the emergence, maturation, and integration process of his primary reflex motor patterns, otherwise practiced as the Masgutova Method.
Great fit, results, gains, always leave feeling like I had grown as a parent, wife, woman.....general motivated individual.
Let's move on.
Dr. Chernin suggested we visit Heather MacAuley (former owner of Burnside Physio) for manipulative therapy. She called me at home....we spoke for almost two hours. This woman gets it. I was willing to pay just to meet her in person!
So we had our visit (just one) 'ya hurd me....ONE appointment. Continuing on the yellow brick road we ventured into the office of Brian Sutherland for some Craniosacral work. I believe we saw him four times. I'm actually going for treatments myself as I had witnessed X's transformation after just two sessions. Again, he is brilliant and gets the job done. The last stop is to visit Oz (also known as Heidi Ship) to have all questions answered.
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