Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Results Are In

...Rashawn, you are NOT the father. If you are reading this, and are interested, you probably already know this stuff, and are shaking your head wondering why I'm just beginning????  

Hopefully my last appointment.

Applied Kinesiology

Will it all make sense now?

I loaded up a Boot box full of every supplement I had purchased.  When I saw them all shoved in the box, I just saw $$$$.  

So much trial and error without knowing if what I was doing was even correct.  I tried, I really did....or at least I thought I did.  

So the results were pretty great.  

We already had 7 of them and only needed to purchase three.

Magnesium Sulfate Cream 
Max Stress B - This tested extremely well
Pure Encapsulations B12 Liquid
Nutra Sea +D
CoQ10 - 100-120 mg daily
Colostrum Powder
Mineral AscorbateAvive Naturals
Whey Protein 4 times a week  - We got this from Signature Supplements without any gross additives, and at a fraction of the regular cost.
Flaxseed Oil

There you have it.  The GAPS Diet, along with the above supplements and peace of mind.  I cannot tell you how much relief I have now that I know I am not wasting money.  Not to say this isn't going to be costly or a complete pain in the ass :).  This is the only time I think I can honestly say that I am grateful for the experience of a restricted diet.  It makes GAPS seem like a walk in the park.  The only difference is that I could go hungry if nothing was prepared.....X cannot.  Initially I will be in overdrive trying to stay ahead and make sure he always has snacks, and breakfasts.  He is such a great kid....asking me if he was still allowed to drink water on this diet!  Never protesting and fully understanding it is all to benefit his health.  I am going into this chapter much more happier and curious, instead of bitter, and resentful.  {Wish us luck}

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