Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Living the Dream

I don't think I can write when I am happy.  Is this strange?  I'll try to swallow back the tears as I share my thoughts on our trip to Greenville South Carolina.  Can you believe I was contemplating NOT travelling with David?  Six weeks is far too long for me to be alone with my own children.  I'll keep the details short as i can feel my chest becoming heavy.  First of all, Americans have it ninety thousand times more easier than anyone else on this earth......well maybe not mother's in France, and I'm only referring to those with health insurance.  Everyone else is probably dying in a hospital corridor right now.  And this wouldn't be a narcissistic post by me, if I wasn't using my great analogical skills to base all of this on our family's circumstances.

I'm only going to name three stores.  Whole Foods, Earth Fare, and Trader Joe's.  These three places alone, give me sanity.  Could you imagine needing toothpaste and actually driving for five minutes to purchase it?  This covered everything we place in/on our bodies.  I'm not going to even get into the cost of living.  We could afford a home if we moved here, and the price of clothing is ridonculous.  You don't even need to wait for a sale!  I mean, sure there's the whole part about people that look like our family does, and clothing geared toward women not throwing their food up in baggies then hiding them in a closet.   Affordable sports with professional coaches, oh dear.....I must simply swap these woes and begin life in the present.  We are here.  We are not in South Carolina. Learn to deal.  

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