Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What's Up With My Leaky Gut/Candida?

Are you read for this?

91 days.  91 freaking days!!!!  

I have been faithful to this Anti Candida diet for 91 days.  

I can't believe it myself. 

I  thought I would have cheated weeks ago, and almost did.  

I was in a real slump over the $$$ of my supplements and just wanted to give up. 

I called everyone two people I knew to go over the pros and cons of giving up.  

Ultimately there were no I just kept on truckin'.  

Even though I am regaining health, I still hate this diet, and see it as just another thing I have to give my full attention to.   

I am actually only fulfilling half of protocol intended to help my Yucky Gut (this is what Nadia calls it). 

It's cute, and even more accurate :).   

Knowing that I will most likely not be able to purchase everything on the list (at once), I chose the most important and just dedicated myself to the strict diet.    

As long as nothing is entering my body on the forbidden list (all forms of sugar, all fruit, anything white, fermented, dairy, soy, pork, and some vegetables), I am no ,longer feeding the yeast.  

The problem lies in the fact that I am not killing them either. 

I mean, I am with 2 of the supplements....but the really good ones might speed up the process. 

With this little mishap,Dr. LaValley has tacked on an extra 2 or 3 months of everything.  I will get better, but it will take longer.  

So in my despair/hopeless state, I just wanted to throw in the towel and wait until I had sufficient funds to do the entire protocol at once.

Foolish me.  

What was I thinking?  

This meant I would have to start all over again!  

The die off reaction, adjusting to low blood sugar, and weakness.  

Thank goodness this was just a brief moment that passed once I sat down and figured out how many days I had under my belt.....and I re read this post.   

This is what my full protocol looks like.  I should mention that you cannot find any of this locally, as they cannot have any additives, or sugar in them.  Also, taking 1 or 2 of anything twice daily makes the supplements go fast.  I have taken the Nystatin and glutamine as directed, but as for everything else....I'm in ration mode, and only the first two listed are covered 50% by Sunlife. The rest are coming out of our bi-weekly budget.

$230.00 Fluconazole (for 30 tablets) 1 tablet twice daily 
$30.00 Nystatin - work up to 1/4 tsp 4 times daily. (I'm at 1/8 tsp and it is tastes like poison)
$81.00 L-Glutamine Powder - 1Tbs Twice daily
$60.00 Dr. Ohirra's Probiotics - once or twice daily 
$44.00 Willard's Catalyst Alkaline Water - 1 cup twice daily
$18.00 Vitamin D-3 in oil 5000 IU - 1 tablet, once or twice daily (finally a cheap product!)
$40.00 Fish Oil -  one or two tbs twice daily (yuck)
$45.00 Nutribiotic Caps (Citricidal)  - 1 mid meal with each meal

I stopped ^there^ and below are the supplements I don't have as yet.

$82.00 CuraMed 750mg two to three caps daily WTF
$35.00 GLA Borage Oil - 3 or 4 tablets twice daily
$19.00 Garlicin - 1 mid meal with each meal ( I could probably afford this)
$35.00 Oreganol - 1 or 2 capsules 2-3 times daily
$30.00 Lactoferrin - 1-3 tablets 2-3 times daily
$30.00 N-A-C 1 or 2 tablets twice daily
$50.00 MegaSilymarin - 2 or 3 caps twice daily

So there you have it.  I don't really have anyone to chat about this (sucks), but I found the Whole Approach forums quite helpful in the recipe department.  

Not that I've made anything other than the 5 dishes I eat over and over again.  

Am I sick of them yet?  Nope :).  

The thought of preparing yet another separate meal from my family, and the additional expense of 'required' ingredients allows me to graciously accept my limited meal selection.  

The food I eat is yummy and nourishing and that's all that matters right now.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this.  

Dr.LaValley, is now ranked # 4 on my Best Doctors Ever list.  

He knows what's going, really knows.  

He only scores fewer points because of his fees and location.   

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